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Home » How Security Cameras Can Reduce Your Insurance Risks
June 5, 2024

How Security Cameras Can Reduce Your Insurance Risks

General liability insurance helps protect your business against lawsuits. But it’s still better to avoid the hassle of a claim altogether. Even if you can’t avoid a claim, it’s best to have it dealt with as expediently as possible. Security cameras can help you do just that.

Security Cameras Help You Avoid False Claims

Some scammers will completely fabricate a personal injury claim. One common scam is someone spilling water on the floor and then pretending to slip and fall. With no proof of what happened, you could easily be forced into a settlement that may increase your insurance rates. If you have cameras installed, you can not only defeat the claim but also potentially have the scammer prosecuted. That way they can’t do it again somewhere else.

Security Cameras Tell What Really Happened

Sometimes, an injury claim isn’t fabricated. But it can still be hard to get all the facts. For example, you can’t be expected to instantly mop up any spill. But the longer a spill is present in your business, the more liability you potentially have. If your security footage shows that a customer spilled something that another customer slipped on just a minute later, the security camera could spare you from being branded as negligent.

Security Cameras Provide A Deterrent

Cameras don’t just tell what happened. They also change people’s behavior. That’s why many stores have visible cameras to fight shoplifting. That’s also why stores have video monitors at self-checkout stations.

Having outdoor cameras can help prevent car burglaries and muggings in your parking lot. While you aren’t always liable for crimes on your premises, there are situations where you could be found liable for not taking enough steps to prevent possible crimes. Taking steps to head off crime reduces the risk of even being involved in a claim.

On the inside of your business, your cameras don’t just deter robberies. They also let employees know that you may go back and watch what they’re doing. This can help ensure they stick to your safety procedures instead of cutting corners.

Security Cameras Can Lead To Insurance Discounts

Some insurance companies offer discounts for security cameras or other features that can either reduce your risk of loss or make the claims process easier. When you buy your general liability insurance policy, ask if there are any discounts available for having security cameras in place.

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